Thursday, April 3, 2008

President or Vice President?

In the 2008 race for presidency the canididates are already saying, " I will NOT accept V.P,"It's not not uncommon for an individual to want to be number one and never come in second. And according to the Associated Press, That's exactly what many of the candidates are concerned with. They started this race thinking, maybe I can be the one to make a difference in the new future leaders of America. I think that it's a new focus that the media may want to frame up for the targeted audiences. Any comments?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Clinton and OBAMA

According to the Associated Press, "The bottom line is, this is the first Oregon presidential primary I have ever voted in my life that actually could matter, and I am not going to pass up that chance just because I am registered with the wrong party," said the 45-year-old Buckingham. "I want to make sure whoever gets in there, it is someone I can live with."
Many voters say they have made the switch to grab the chance to have a voice they never thought they'd have in a historic race that conventional wisdom had predicted would be decided on Super Tuesday in February. This Presidential campaign is going to make bigger and BETTER history than the last one and this ONE is hopefully GOING to make a difference in the Future Leaders of America , which is myself and my peers! What do you think?