November 6,08
Corporate P.R. Podcast Review(Weeky Canandian Podcast on Public Relation) Inside PR:Terry Fallis and David Jones(Host) Discussion with: David Jones,Julie Rusciolelli, and Martin Waxman
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Practice What You Preach?
As a college student, majoring in Public Relations,we are already under the impression that after we graduate we are going to enter a job and do the "grunt" work for a long period of time. No more press releases,media contact lists, campaigns, Right? Well, according to Inside PR, (podcast #135),"We will be doing the grunt work even in our senior experience."
This shocked me because I never thought even when I do get to the point in my life being in a senior level in public relations I would have to still be doing the writing portion. But it makes sense that "as you grow more knowledgable in the field, your responsibility adds up, never lessens(podcast #135)."
A Couple Tips for Senior Applicants:
- it's ok to delegate authority, but not responsibility(you are in charge) - Get into the skin of client:Never let your jr. staff know more about your client than you do.
- prepare your team(they'll follow)
-Manage in stages(evaluate members to develop them)
- Have control and take responsibility
-Listening(Never say, "Thats how we have always done this."
Do you practice what you preach? When do you stop doing the grunt work? Media lists,media calls,generation results from reports.When do you stop? Never you always will be talking,developing,rehearsing materials....the more you do the more you get good at it..."The more senior you get in the business, the more you do it." Is it all fun and games? No,you must maintain that level of professionalism and work ethics.
According to Inside PR #135,It's important that you care for your clients. How do you get pple to care? Make them part of the team! You have to feel part of a team. When one is down, pick up the slack.Help each other and teach one another.
In addition to David(InsidePR #135), from a review with Joe Thornly's 3 D's for senior persons:
1.)Delagate(Get people assigned to things)3 is always better than 1
2.)Demand( Get the best work, NO MATTER WHAT and make sure you do what you have to do to get excellent work.
3.)Deliver( Take responsibility,Accountability) By doing these things one can be better him or herself as a Public Relations practicioner.
I as a Public Relations major, would have to agree with this podcast's information. It's very useful to any Public Relations student majoring in the PR field."A team can form,but it takes more than just bending together to make up a team," (InsidePR #135). What do you do when your Senior is lazy? According to InsidePR podcast(#135), by following these few simple tips and the three D's can help ensure that you become a well develped senior even if your boss isn't.
Jones, David.(2008):Practice What You Preach.